Friday, May 16, 2008

A little about us....

We are currently living just outside of Baltimore, Maryland for the summer.  Brent is doing the door to door thing again and I am working in the office.  Jack likes to come to work with Angela, so it is fun.  

Today is Jack's four month birthday!!!! He is getting so big.  I can't believe he is already 6 lbs 2 oz!!! The vet says he is a little underweight and needs to eat more!!! He loves being outside even if it just for a little while.  

We are a happy little family.  And in case you were wondering, Jack is our little baby!  
The first picture is of Jack right after we first got him at the end of March and the second one is of him right before we left Utah at the end of April. 


Tasha said...

I am so glad that you guys are out here for the summer ang! It just wouldn't be the same without y'all!! I am thinking paddle boats on wednesday what do you say!! :)

kassidi bridge said...

Yah! You guys have a blog! Check ours out at: